Python version 3.4 was recently released.
For me, the most interesting
was the inclusion of the
module. The
states it,
...provides infrastructure for writing single-threaded concurrent
code using coroutines, multiplexing I/O access over sockets and other
resources, running network clients and servers, and other related primitives.
While I understand all the terminology from the documentation I don't yet
have a feel for the module nor do I yet comprehend when to use one
feature rather than another. Writing about this module and examining
concrete examples is my way to
. I'll be concise and only assume familiarity with
So, what is asyncio
It's a module that enables you to write code that concurrently handles
asynchronous network based interactions.
What precisely do I mean?
Concurrency is when several things happen simultaneously. When something is
asynchronous it is literally not synchronised: there is no way to tell when
some thing may happen (in this case, network based I/O).
I/O (input/output)
is when a program communicates with the "outside world" and network based I/O
simply means the program communicates with another device (usually) on the
internet. Messages arrive and depart via the network at unpredictable times -
helps you write programs that deal with all these
interactions simultaneously.
How does it work?
At the core of asyncio
is an
event loop.
This is simply code that keeps looping (I'm trying to avoid the
temptation of using a racing car analogy). Each "lap" of the loop (dammit)
checks for new I/O events and does various other "stuff" that we'll come onto
in a moment. Within the asyncio
module, the
method encapsulates a full iteration of the loop. Its documentation
This calls all currently ready callbacks, polls for I/O,
schedules the resulting callbacks, and finally schedules
'call_later' callbacks.
A callback is code to be run when some event has occurred and
polling is discovering the status of something external to the
program (in this case network based I/O activity). When a small child
constantly asks, "are we there yet..?" on a long car journey, that's polling.
When the unfortunate parent replies, "I'll tell you when we arrive" they are
creating a sort of callback (i.e. they promise to do something when some
condition is met). The _run_once
method processes the
I/O events that occurred during the time it took to complete the
previous "lap", ensures any callbacks that need to be run are done so
during this lap and carries out "housekeeping" needed for callbacks
that have yet to be called.
Importantly, the pending callbacks are executed one after the other
- stopping the loop from continuing. In other words, the next "lap" cannot
start until all the sequentially executed callbacks finish (in some
I imagine you're thinking, "Hang on, I thought you said
works concurrently?" I did and it does. Here's the
problem: concurrency is hard and there's more than one way to do it. So it's
worth taking some time to examine why asyncio
works in the
way that it does.
If concurrent tasks interact with a shared resource they run the risk of
interfering with each other. For example, task A reads a
record, task B reads the same record, both A and B change the retrieved
record in different ways, task B writes the record, then task A writes the
record (causing the changes made by task B to be lost). Such interactions
between indeterminate
tasks result in painfully hard-to-reproduce bugs and complicated
mechanisms required to mitigate such situations. This is bad because the
KISS (keep it
simple, stupid) principle is abandoned.
One solution is to program in a synchronous manner: tasks
executed one after the other so they have no chance to interfere with
each other. Such programs are easy to understand since they're simply
a deterministic sequential list of things to do: first A, then B,
followed by C and so on. Unfortunately, if A needs to wait for something, for
example, a reply from a machine on the network, then the whole program waits.
As a result, the program can't handle any other events that may occur
while it waits for A's network call to complete - in such a case,
the program is described as
The program becomes potentially slow and unresponsive - an unacceptable
condition if we're writing something that needs to react quickly to things
(such as a server - precisely the sort of program asyncio
intended to help with).
Because asyncio
is event driven, network related I/O is
non-blocking. Instead of waiting for a reply from a network call
before continuing with a computation, programmers define callbacks to be run
only when the result of the network call becomes known. In the meantime,
the program continues to respond to other things: the event loop keeps polling
for and responding to network I/O events (such as when the reply to our
network call arrives and the specified callbacks are executed).
This may sound abstract and confusing but it's remarkably close to how we
make plans in real life: when X happens, do Y. More
concretely, "when the tumble dryer finishes, fold the clothes and put them
away". Here, "the tumble dryer finishes" is some event we're
expecting and "fold the clothes and put them away" is a callback that
specifies what to do when the event happens. Once this plan is made, we're
free to get on with other things until we discover the tumble dryer
has finished.
Furthermore, as humans we work on concurrent tasks in a similar
non-blocking manner. We skip between the things we need to do while we wait
for other things to happen: we know we'll have time to squeeze the orange
juice while the toast and eggs are cooking when we make breakfast. Put in a
programmatic way, execute B while waiting on the result of the network call
made by A.

Such familiar concepts mean asyncio
avoids potentially
confusing and complicated "threaded" concurrency while retaining the benefits
of strictly sequential code. In fact, the
specification for
states that callbacks are,
[...] strictly serialized: one callback must finish before the
next one will be called. This is an important guarantee: when two or more
callbacks use or modify shared state, each callback is guaranteed that while
it is running, the shared state isn't changed by another callback.
Therefore, from a programmer's perspective, it is important to understand
how asynchronous concurrent tasks are created, how such tasks
pause while waiting for non-blocking I/O, and how the callbacks that
handle the eventual results are defined. In other words, you need to
understand coroutines, futures and tasks.
The asyncio
module is helpfully simple about these
- a
decorator that
indicates a function is a coroutine. A coroutine is simply
a type of
generator that
uses the yield from
, return
syntax to generate results.
- a class used to represent a result that
may not be available yet. It is an abstraction of something that has yet
to be realised. Callback functions that process the eventual result are
added to instances of this class (like a sort of to-do list of functions
to be executed when the result is known). If you're familiar with
Twisted they're called
deferreds and elsewhere they're sometimes called
- a subclass of asyncio.Future
that wraps a coroutine. The resulting object is realised when the
coroutine completes.
Let's examine each one of these abstractions in more detail:
A coroutine is a sort of generator function. A task defined
by a coroutine may be suspended; thus allowing the event loop to get on with
other things (as described above). The
yield from
syntax is used to suspend a coroutine. A coroutine can yield from
other coroutines or instances of the asyncio.Future
class. When the other
coroutine has a result or the pending Future
object is realised,
execution of the coroutine continues from the yield from
statement that originally suspended the coroutine (this is sometimes referred
to as re-entry). The result of a yield from
statement will be
either the return value of the other coroutine or the result of the
instance. If the referenced coroutine
or Future
instance raise an exception this will be propagated.
Ultimately, at the end of the yield from
chain, will be a
coroutine that actually returns a result or raises an exception (rather than
yielding from some other coroutine).
A helpful (yet not entirely accurate) metaphor is the process of calling a
customer support line. Perhaps you want to know why your order for goods
is late. The person at the end of the phone explains they can't continue with
your query because they need to check something with their accounts
department. They promise to call you back. This pause is similar to the
yield from
statement: they're suspending the work while they
wait for something else, thus allowing you to get on with other stuff. At some
point, their accounts department will provide a result and the customer
support agent will re-enter the process of handling your query and when
they're done, will fulfil their promise and give you a call (hopefully with
good news about your order).
The important concept to remember is that yield from
coroutines pending a result so the event loop is able to get on with other
things. When the result becomes known, the coroutine resumes.
The following example (like many of the examples in this post, it's an
annotated modification of code in the
Python documentation
on asyncio
) illustrates these concepts by chaining coroutines
that ultimately add two numbers together:
Two coroutines chained together.
The compute() coroutine is chained to the print_sum() coroutine. The
print_sum() coroutine waits until compute() is completed before it returns a
import asyncio
# Notice the decorator!
def compute(x, y):
print("Compute %s + %s ..." % (x, y))
# Pause the coroutine for 1 second by yielding from asyncio's built in
# sleep coroutine. This simulates the time taken by a non-blocking I/O
# call. During this time the event loop can get on with other things.
yield from asyncio.sleep(1.0)
# Actually return a result!
return x + y
def print_sum(x, y):
# Pause the coroutine until the compute() coroutine has a result.
result = yield from compute(x, y)
# The following print() function won't be called until there's a result.
print("%s + %s = %s" % (x, y, result))
# Reference the event loop.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Start the event loop and continue until print_sum() is complete.
loop.run_until_complete(print_sum(1, 2))
# Shut down the event loop.
Notice that the coroutines only execute when the loop's
method is called.
Under the hood,
the coroutine is wrapped in a Task
instance and a callback is
added to this task that
raises the appropriate exception needed to stop the loop (since
the task is realised because the coroutine completed). The task instance is
conceptually the same as the promise the customer support agent gave to
call you back when they finished processing your query (in the helpful
yet inaccurate metaphor described above). The return value of
is the task's result or, in the event of a
problem, its exception will be raised. In this example, the result is
(since print_sum
doesn't actually return
anything to become the result of the task).
The following sequence diagram illustrates the flow of activity:

So far we've discovered that coroutines suspend and resume tasks in such
a way that the event loop can get on with other things. Yet this only
addresses how concurrent tasks co-exist through time given a single event
loop. It doesn't tell us how to deal with the end result of such concurrent
tasks when they complete and the result of their computation becomes
As has been already mentioned, the results of such pending concurrent
tasks are represented by instances of the async.Future
Callback functions are added to such instances via the
method. Callback functions have a single
argument: the Future
instance to which they have been added.
They are executed when their Future
's result eventually becomes
known (we say the Future
is resolved). Resolution involves
setting the result using the set_result
method or, in the case
of a problem, setting the appropriate exception via
. The callback can access the
's result (be it something valid or an exception) via the
method: either the result will be returned or the
exception will be raised.
Another example (again, an annotated modification of code from the
Python documentation)
illustrates how this works:
A future and coroutine interact. The future is resolved with the result of
the coroutine causing the specified callback to be executed.
import asyncio
def slow_operation(future):
This coroutine takes a future and resolves it when its own result is
# Imagine a pause from some non-blocking network based I/O here.
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
# Resolve the future with an arbitrary result (for the purposes of
# illustration).
future.set_result('A result set by the slow_operation coroutine!')
def got_result(future):
This function is a callback. Its only argument is the resolved future
whose result it prints. It then causes the event loop to stop.
# Get the instance of the event loop (also referenced in got_result).
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Instantiate the future we're going to use to represent the as-yet unknown
# result.
future = asyncio.Future()
# Wrap the coroutine in a task to schedule it for execution when the
# event loop starts.
# Add the callback to the future. The callback will only be executed when the
# future is resolved by the coroutine. The future object is passed into the
# got_result callback.
# Run the event loop until loop.stop() is called (in got_result).
This example of futures and coroutines interacting probably feels awkward
(at least, it does to me). As a result, and because such interactions are so
fundamental to working with asyncio
, one should use the
class (a subclass of asyncio.Future
to avoid such boilerplate code. The example above can be simplified and made
more readable as follows:
A far simpler and easy-to-read way to do things!
A coroutine is wrapped in a Task instance. When the coroutine returns a result
the task is automatically resolved causing the specified callback to be
import asyncio
def slow_operation():
This coroutine *returns* an eventual result.
# Imagine a pause from some non-blocking network based I/O here.
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
# A *lot* more conventional and no faffing about with future instances.
return 'A return value from the slow_operation coroutine!'
def got_result(future):
This function is a callback. Its only argument is a resolved future
whose result it prints. It then causes the event loop to stop.
In this example, the resolved future is, in fact, a Task instance.
# Get the instance of the event loop (also referenced in got_result).
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Wrap the coroutine in a task to schedule it for execution when the event
# loop starts.
task = asyncio.Task(slow_operation())
# Add the callback to the task. The callback will only be executed when the
# task is resolved by the coroutine. The task object is passed into the
# got_result callback.
# Run the event loop until loop.stop() is called (in got_result).
To my eyes, this is a lot more comprehensible, easier to read and far
simpler to write. The Task
class also makes it trivial to execute
tasks in parallel, as the following example (again,
taken from the Python documentation)
Three tasks running the same factorial coroutine in parallel.
import asyncio
def factorial(name, number):
f = 1
for i in range(2, number+1):
print("Task %s: Compute factorial(%s)..." % (name, i))
yield from asyncio.sleep(1)
f *= i
print("Task %s: factorial(%s) = %s" % (name, number, f))
# Instantiating tasks doesn't cause the coroutine to be run. It merely
# schedules the tasks.
tasks = [
asyncio.Task(factorial("A", 2)),
asyncio.Task(factorial("B", 3)),
asyncio.Task(factorial("C", 4)),
# Get the event loop and cause it to run until all the tasks are done.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
So far, all our examples have used the asyncio.sleep
to simulate arbitrary amounts of time to represent the wait one might expect
for non-blocking network I/O. This is convenient for examples, but now that we
understand coroutines, futures and tasks we'd better examine how networking
fits into the picture.
There are two approaches one can take to network based operations: the
high level
API or the lower level
and Protocols API. The following example (based on
this original implementation)
shows how a coroutine works with non-blocking network I/O in order to
retrieve HTTP headers using the stream based API:
Use a coroutine and the Streams API to get HTTP headers. Usage:
import asyncio
import urllib.parse
import sys
def print_http_headers(url):
url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
# An example of yielding from non-blocking network I/O.
reader, writer = yield from asyncio.open_connection(url.hostname, 80)
# Re-entry happens when the connection is made. The reader and writer
# stream objects represent what you'd expect given their names.
query = ('HEAD {url.path} HTTP/1.0\r\n'
'Host: {url.hostname}\r\n'
# Write data out (does not block).
while True:
# Another example of non-blocking network I/O for reading asynchronous
# input.
line = yield from reader.readline()
if not line:
line = line.decode('latin1').rstrip()
if line:
print('HTTP header> %s' % line)
# None of the following should be at all surprising.
url = sys.argv[1]
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = asyncio.async(print_http_headers(url))
Note how, instead of yielding from asyncio.sleep
, the
coroutine yields from the built in open_connection
coroutines that handle the asynchronous networking I/O.
Importantly, the call to write
does not block, but buffers the
data and sends it out asynchronously.
The lower level API should feel familiar to anyone who has written code
using the Twisted framework. What
follows is a trivial server (based on
this example)
that uses transports and protocols.
Transports are classes provided by asyncio
to abstract
subprocess pipes.
Instances of such classes are responsible for the actual
I/O and buffering. However, you don't usually instantiate such classes
yourself; rather, you call the event loop instance to set things up (and
it'll call you back when it succeeds).
Once the connection is established, a
transport is always paired with an instance of the Protocol
class. You subclass Protocol
to implement your own network
protocols; it parses incoming data and writes outgoing data by calling the
associated transport's methods for such purposes. Put simply, the
transport handles the sending and receiving of things down the wire, while
the protocol works out what the actual message means.
To implement a protocol override appropriate methods from the
parent class. Each time a connection is made (be it
incoming or outgoing) a new instance of the protocol is instantiated and
the various overridden methods are called depending on what network events
have been detected. For example, every protocol class will have its
and connection_lost
called when the connection begins and ends. Between these two calls one might
expect to handle data_received
events and use the paired
instance to send data. The following simple echo
server demonstrates the interaction between protocol and transport without
the distraction of coroutines and futures.
A simple (yet poetic) echo server. ;-)
- ECHO -
Use your voice - say what you mean
Do not stand in the shadow
Do not become an echo of someone else's opinion
We must accept ourselves and each other
Even the perfect diamond
may have cracks and faults
A-L Andresen, 2014. (
import asyncio
class EchoProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):
Encapsulates the behaviour of the echo protocol. A new instance of this
class is created for each new connection.
def connection_made(self, transport):
Called only once when the new connection is made. The transport
argument represents the connection to the client.
self.transport = transport
def data_received(self, data):
Called when the client sends data (represented by the data argument).
# Write the incoming data immediately back to the client connection.
# Calling self.transport.close() disconnects. If you want the
# connection to persist simply comment out the following line.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Create the coroutine used to establish the server.
echo_coroutine = loop.create_server(EchoProtocol, '', 8888)
# Run the coroutine to actually establish the server.
server = loop.run_until_complete(echo_coroutine)
# Run the event loop forever, waiting for new connections.
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Unless we get Ctrl-C keyboard interrupt.
# Stop serving (existing connections remain open).
# Shut down the loop.
An example interaction with this server using
is shown below:
$ python &
[1] 7486
$ nc localhost 8888
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
$ fg
Yet, this only scratches the surface of asyncio
and I'm
cherry-picking the parts that most interest me. If you want to find out more
Python documentation
for the module is a great place to start, as is
PEP 3156 used to
specify the module.
In conclusion asyncio
feels like Twisted on a diet with the
added fun and elegance of coroutines. I've generally had good experiences
using Twisted but always felt uncomfortable with its odd naming conventions
(for example, calling the
secure shell implementation
"conch" is the world's worst programming pun) and I suffer from an uneasy
feeling that it exists in a slightly different parallel Pythonic universe.
Personally, I feel asyncio
is a step in the right direction
because such a lot of the "good stuff" from Twisted has made it into the
core language in a relatively small and obvious module. I'm also looking
forward to using it in my own projects (specifically,
the drogulus).
As I become more adept at using this module I may write up more.
Image credits:
© 2010
Pankaj Kaushal
under a
Creative Commons
Sequence Diagram
© 2014
The Python Software Foundation.