
Music Theory, Genetic Algorithms & Python

(A fun brain-break)

Nicholas H.Tollervey / / @ntoll

Two Contrasting Melodies

Contrasting Melodic Shapes

Contrasting Contours


Contrasting Melodic Density

Contrasting Melodic Density

Dense Vs Sparse!


Two contrasting yet related melodies that fit together.


Pick a part, play the counterpoint and concentrate on its shape while listening to the piece as a whole.


Listen again in the same way but, this time, follow the other part and concentrate on how often the notes sound.


Contrasting yet related.

Counterpoint is Ingenious

As demonstrated by J.S.Bach (contrapuntal genius)

Original Inversion Retrograde Retrograde inversion

Counterpoint is Ingenious II

As demonstrated by J.S.Bach (contrapuntal genius)

Voicing Augmentation Diminution

Spot the transformation(s)

But How Does it Work?

If only...


Johann Joseph Fux


Gradus ad Parnassum

Steps to Parnassus (dwelling place of the gods).

  • Five species of rules of increasing complexity.
  • The rules describe the valid pitch and rhythmic relationships between notes.
  • Initially the counterpoint has two voices:
    • one, the Cantus Firmus, is given to the student,
    • the other is created by the student with rules from a specific species.

Cantus Firmus

(Fixed song based on medieval plainchant)

Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down

Rules Concerning Pitch

Governing valid intervals (distance) between notes.

Rules for Movement Through Time

Similar, Parallel, Contrary & Oblique motion.

How can I use Fux's species to make computer generated counterpoint?

The Problem:

  • Silly/huge number of potential results.
  • Needle in a haystack (most potential results wrong).
  • Generating solutions algorithmically is hard.

Furthermore, any solution should be:

  • Timely (take less time than a practiced human).
  • Acceptable (fooling most people most of the time).

(In other words, on a par with a human derived solution.)

genetic algorithms!

  • Find acceptable solutions relatively quickly.
  • Usually start with an initial population of randomly generated solutions.
  • Use evolutionary processes to explore the universe of all possible solutions.
  • Are damn interesting...

Hey presto! Foox is born (geddit?)

How does it work?

How does it work?

    def genetic_algorithm(population, fitness, generate, halt):
        A generator that yields a list of genomes ordered by fitness (descending).
        Each yielded list represents a generation in the execution of the genetic

        @param population: the starting population of genomes.
        @param fitness: a function which given a genome will return a fitness
        @param generate: a function that produces offspring genomes for the next
        @param halt: a function to test if the genetic algorithm should stop.
        current_population = sorted(population, key=fitness, reverse=True)
        generation_count = 1
        yield current_population
        while not halt(current_population, generation_count):
            generation_count += 1
            new_generation = generate(current_population)
            current_population = sorted(new_generation, key=fitness, reverse=True)
            yield current_population


Wordolution: An example / detour

Wordolution evolves a solution from a starting population of words containing random letters:

$ wordolution -w cat
['pot', 'int', 'qag', 'ovw', 'wmb', 'jzs', 'gnp', 'oyw', 'gze', 'mss']
pot 1
['hot', 'qag', 'bnt', 'qot', 'ovt', 'nag', 'owt', 'pdt', 'bnt', 'hot']
hot 1
['qat', 'hot', 'qag', 'bnt', 'qot', 'ovt', 'qrt', 'bot', 'zqg', 'hoy']
qat 2
['qat', 'qat', 'zat', 'nat', 'qat', 'qat', 'jaj', 'vxc', 'vxc', 'vxc']
qat 2
['qat', 'nat', 'zat', 'eat', 'lat', 'lat', 'nat', 'laj', 'iab', 'wut']
qat 2
['lat', 'zat', 'gat', 'zat', 'zat', 'zat', 'zat', 'yat', 'gct', 'zht']
lat 2
['cat', 'lat', 'zat', 'gat', 'zat', 'zat', 'gat', 'maw', 'lft', 'zac']
cat 3

(A truncated evolution of cat)

The fitness of a candidate solution is based upon its Levenshtein distance (number of different characters) from the target word.

def make_fitness_function(word):
    Given the target word, will return a function that takes a single Genome
    instance and returns a fitness score (based upon its Levenshtein distance).

    word_len = len(word)

    def fitness_function(genome):
        Returns the fitness score of the genome.
            return = abs(word_len -
            levenshtein(word, ''.join(genome.chromosome)))

    return fitness_function

Candidate solutions are instances of Genome (base class)

    class Genome(object):
        Genomes represent candidate solutions.

        def __init__(self, chromosome):
            The chromosome is a list of genes that encode specific characteristics
            of the candidate solution (genome). The different settings that a gene
            may possess are called alleles, and their location in the chromosome is
            called the locus. The state of the alleles in a particular chromosome
            is called the genotype. It is the genotype that provides information
            about the state of the actual candidate solution. The candidate
            solution itself is called a genome (hence the name of this class).
            self.chromosome = chromosome # e.g. ['c', 'a', 't']
   = None # Denotes unknown. Set by the fitness function.

        def breed(self, other):
            Returns two new offspring bred from this and another instance. Uses the
            crossover function.
            return crossover(self, other, self.__class__)

        def mutate(self, mutation_range, mutation_rate, context):
            To be overridden as per requirements in the child classes.
            return NotImplemented

        def __eq__(self, other):
            ... etc ...

The crossover function is synonymous with breeding new candidate solutions. The genetic information from both parents is mixed together to create two new children.

    def crossover(mum, dad, klass):
        Given two parent genomes and a Genome class, randomly selects a midpoint
        and then swaps the ends of each genome's chromosome to create two new
        genomes that are returned in a tuple.
        # Check if the parents are the same,
        if mum == dad:
            # and do nothing if they are.
            return (mum, dad)

        crossover_point = random.randint(0, len(mum))

        baby1 = klass(mum[:crossover_point] + dad[crossover_point:])
        baby2 = klass(dad[:crossover_point] + mum[crossover_point:])

        return (baby1, baby2)

So cat and dog could produce cog and dat.

Wordolution's Genome sub-class

    class Genome(ga.Genome):
        A class to represent a candidate solution for a target word.

        def mutate(self, mutation_rate, mutation_range, context):
            Mutates the genotypes. Only the mutation_rate is used in this simple
            for locus in range(len(self.chromosome)):
                if mutation_rate >= random.random():
                    # Verbose, but correctly named for clarity.
                    new_allele = random.choice(LETTERS)
                    self.chromosome[locus] = new_allele
           = None # force recalculation of fitness

The mutate method has a mutation_rate chance of changing a letter at random.

The generate function makes new generations.

    def make_generate_function(mutation_range, mutation_rate, word):
        Given a target word, mutation range and mutation rate will use return a
        function that takes a seed generation and returns a new generation.

        def generate(seed_generation):
            Given a seed generation will return a new generation of candidates.
            length = len(seed_generation)
            # Keep the fittest 50%
            new_generation = seed_generation[:length/2]

            # Breed the remaining 50% using roulette wheel selection
            offspring = []
            while len(offspring) < length/2:
                mum = ga.roulette_wheel_selection(seed_generation)
                dad = ga.roulette_wheel_selection(seed_generation)
                children = mum.breed(dad)

            # Mutate
            for genome in offspring:
                genome.mutate(mutation_range, mutation_rate, word)

            # Ensure the new generation is the right length
            new_generation = new_generation[:length]

            return new_generation

        return generate

Casino like selection that favours the fittest.

    def roulette_wheel_selection(population):
        A random number between 0 and the total fitness score of all the genomes in
        a population is chosen (a point within a slice of a roulette wheel). The
        code iterates through the genomes adding up the fitness scores. When the
        subtotal is greater than the randomly chosen point it returns the genome
        at that point "on the wheel".

        total_fitness = 0.0
        for genome in population:
            total_fitness +=

        # Ensures random selection if no solutions are "fit".
        if total_fitness == 0.0:
            return random.choice(population)

        random_point = random.uniform(0.0, total_fitness)

        fitness_tally = 0.0
        for genome in population:
            fitness_tally +=
            if fitness_tally > random_point:
                return genome

Choose random point between zero and the sum of the fitness scores.

The halt function checks if an acceptable solution has evolved (or gives up after n generations).

def halt(population, generation_count):
    Given a population of candidate solutions and generation count (the number
    of epochs the algorithm has run) will return a boolean to indicate if an
    acceptable solution has been found within the referenced population.
    word_length = len(population[0].chromosome)
    return population[0].fitness == word_length or generation_count > 100

Encoding Music for foox

[5, 7, 6, 5, 8, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5]

Foox Fitness Functions

Specific rules of a species are encoded as various tests and punished or rewarded accordingly:

            # Make sure the solution starts correctly (at a 5th or octave).
            first_interval = contrapunctus[0] - cantus_firmus[0]
            if first_interval == 7 or first_interval == 4:
                fitness_score += REWARD_FIRST
                fitness_score -= PUNISH_FIRST

            # Make sure the solution finishes correctly (at an octave).
            if contrapunctus[-1] - cantus_firmus[-1] == 7:
                fitness_score += REWARD_LAST
                fitness_score -= PUNISH_LAST

(An example from first species counterpoint.)

Foox Fitness Functions

    # Reward / punishment to ensure the solution starts correctly (5th or 8ve).
    PUNISH_FIRST = 0.1
    # Reward / punishment to ensure the solution finishes correctly (at an 8ve).
    PUNISH_LAST = 0.1
    # Reward / punishment to ensure the penultimate note is step wise onto the
    # final note.
    # Reward / punish contrary motion onto the final note.
    # Punishment if the penultimate note is a repeated note.
    # Make sure the movement to the penultimate note isn't from too
    # far away (not greater than a third).
    # Punish parallel fifths or octaves.
    # Punishment for too many repeated notes.
    # Punishment for too many parallel thirds
    # Punishment for too many parallel sixths.
    # Punishment for too many parallel/similar movements.
    # Punishment for too many large leaps in the melody.
    PUNISH_LEAPS = 0.1

A simple command

$ foox -s 1 -cf 5 7 6 5 8 7 9 8 7 6 5 -o first

... evolution happens ...

$ lilypond

... lilypond magic ...

$ evince first.pdf
$ timidity first.midi
$ foox --help
usage: foox [-h] [--version] [-v] -s SPECIES -cf
            [CANTUS_FIRMUS [CANTUS_FIRMUS ...]] [-o OUT]

Evolves valid solutions to species counterpoint problems.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increased amount of verbosity
  -s SPECIES, --species SPECIES
                        indicated species to use (1-5)
                        specify the cantus firmus
  -o OUT, --out OUT     name the output file


So, how does it perform..?

First Species Counterpoint




Second Species Counterpoint




Third Species Counterpoint



Fourth Species Counterpoint




Fifth Species


Fifth species combines all of the previous species as well as extra rules concerning ornamentation of the melody.

Next steps

Foox is a fun experiment with no serious use case.

However, I'd like to:

  • Attempt fifth species.
  • Improve the current offering.
  • Explore other ways to combine my interests in programming and composition.

Source code


Image Credits

Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Image Credits

Sourced from Wikipedia for educational (fair) use.

Image Credits

Created using third party services. ;-)