Lessons learned with asyncio

(“Look ma, I wrote a distributed hash table!”)

Nicholas H.Tollervey / @ntoll

What does asyncio do..?

Grok the code, Neo
Grok the code, Neo

A problem clearly stated:

Messages arrive and depart via the network at unpredictable times - asyncio lets you deal with such interactions simultaneously.

What is a Distributed Hash Table?

Hash Table = dict (in Python)

>>> home = {}
>>> home['ntoll'] = 'Towcester'
>>> home['voidspace'] = 'Bugbrooke'
>>> home['pinner'] = 'Coventry'
>>> home
'ntoll': 'Towcester',
'voidspace': 'Bugbrooke',
'pinner': 'Coventry'
>>> home['ntoll']

A very simple key / value data store.



A distributed hash table (DHT) is a peer-to-peer key / value data store


Core Concept #1

The Event Loop

Polling and callbacks as a roadtrip

(Based on real events - participants have been replaced by unreasonably happy actors)


PEP 315 states that callbacks are...

“[...] strictly serialized: one callback must finish before the next one will be called. This is an important guarantee: when two or more callbacks use or modify shared state, each callback is guaranteed that while it is running, the shared state isn't changed by another callback.”

Hang on a minute..?

That doesn't sound very concurrent!

Dining philosophers problem.

Concurrent tasks interfere with shared resources

  1. Task A reads a record.
  2. Task B reads a record.
  3. Both A and B change the retrieved data in different ways.
  4. Task B writes its changes.
  5. Task A writes its changes.

Act synchronously to avoid interference!

  1. First do A, then B followed by C (and so on).
  2. Easy to understand and deterministic.
  3. What happens if A needs to wait for something, for example, a reply from a machine on the network?
  4. The program waits until A's network call completes.

Welcome to the most important slide of this talk

  • The program does not wait for a reply from network calls before continuing.
  • Programmers define callbacks to be run when the result of a network call is known.
  • In the meantime the program continues to poll for and respond to other network related I/O events.
  • Callbacks execute during the iteration of the event loop immediately after the expected network I/O event is detected.


Don't be, its exactly how humans think about concurrency.

Take the clothes out of the washing machine.

We make plans: when the washing machine finishes, take the clothes and hang them out to dry.


As humans we work on concurrent tasks (like preparing breakfast) in a similar non-blocking manner.

asyncio avoids potentially confusing and complicated “threaded” concurrency while retaining the benefits of strictly sequential code.


  • How are asynchronous concurrent tasks created?
  • How do such tasks pause while waiting for non-blocking network based I/O?
  • How are callbacks defined (to handle the eventual result)?

You need to understand coroutines, futures and tasks.

Core Concept #2


(Are FUN!)

  • Coroutines are generators
  • They may be suspended (yield from)
  • They 'yield from' other objects
  • At the end of the chain is an object that returns a result or raises an exception

def handle_request(self, message, payload):
    """ Handle an incoming HTTP request. """
    response_code = 405  # Method Not Allowed
    response_data = None
    if message.method == 'POST':
            raw_data = yield from payload.read()
            response_data = yield from self.process_data(raw_data)
            response_code = 200  # OK
        except Exception as ex:
            # Log all errors
            response_code = 500  # Internal Server Error
    # etc...
    return response

But what about callbacks?

How do I handle the result of a coroutine?

Core Concepts #3 & #4

Futures and Tasks

(Are also FUN!)

def handle_resolved_future(future):
    This function is a callback. Its only argument is the
    resolved future whose result it logs.

# Instantiate the future we're going to use to represent the
# as-yet unknown result.
my_future = asyncio.Future()
# Add the callback to the list of things to do when the
# result is known (the future is resolved).

(Time passes)

# in some coroutine that has the Future referenced
my_future.set_result('A result set some time later!')

def handle_resolved_task(task):
    This function is a callback. Its only argument is the
    resolved task whose result it logs.

task = asyncio.Task(slow_coroutine_operation())

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

No need to resolve the task in a coroutine!

First class functions


First class function calls



(The Story So Far)

A DHT Example

Hashing, distance and lookups

A clock face of nodes

Node ID is derived from a Hash and indicates its location

Items are a Key / Value Pair

>>> from hashlib import sha512
>>> item = {
...     'my_key': 'Some value I want to store'
... }
>>> sha512('my_key').hexdigest()

Aardvark belongs...

... under "A"

But, Zebra belongs...

... under "Z"

Tracking via the Routing Table

Interactions give tracking data

(ID, IP address and port etc...)

Peers stored in fixed size buckets

Simple rules

For the purposes of housekeeping:

  • Reply with a value or X closest peers
  • Ignore unresponsive peers
  • Refresh the Routing Table
  • Re-publish items
  • etc...

GET() & SET() require a lookup.

All interactions are asynchronous.
Lookups are also parallel (concurrent).

Recursive Lookup

Six degrees of separation

Ask closest known peers

They reply with closer peers

They reply with the target

GET() & SET() require a lookup.

All interactions are asynchronous.
Lookups are also parallel (concurrent).

Lookup is a Future

class Lookup(asyncio.Future):
    Encapsulates a lookup in the DHT given a particular target
    key and message type. Will resolve when a result is found
    or errback otherwise.

    def __init__(self, key, message_type, node, event_loop):
        key - sha512 of target key.
        message_type - class to create inter-node messages.
        node - the local node in the DHT.
        event_loop - the event loop.

Lookup is a Future

my_lookup = Lookup(key, FindValue, my_node, my_event_loop)

def got_result(lookup):
    """ Naive callback """
    result = lookup.result()
    if isinstance(lookup.message_type, FindValue):
        for remote_node in result:
            # result is a list of closest nodes to "key".
            # PUT the value at these nodes.
        # result is a value stored at the location of "key"


What about Networking?

Core Concepts #5 & #6

Transports and Protocols

(Are also a lot of FUN!)



class NetstringProtocol(asyncio.Protocol):

    def data_received(self, data):
        Called whenever the local node receives data from the
        remote peer.
        self.__data = data
            while self.__data:
                if self._reader_state == DATA:
                elif self._reader_state == COMMA:
                elif self._reader_state == LENGTH:
                    msg = 'Invalid Netstring mode'
                    raise RuntimeError(msg)
        except NetstringParseError:

Final thoughts...

  • Twisted..?
  • 100% unit test coverage
  • DHT < 1000 loc
  • IO vs CPU bound






