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On Debugging

One of the stand-out collaborations of my career has been with my buddy Damien George. He's the creator of MicroPython ~ a lean and efficient implementation of the Python programming language optimised to run in constrained environments. When Damien created MicroPython I think he imagined "constrained environments" to mean microcontrollers - the small single chip computers beloved of embedded systems engineers, Internet of Things enthusiasts and the Maker community.

Little did he realise that MicroPython was an amazing fit for another computing context: the browser.


The browser is an interesting space in which to work because of its unique combinations of constraints.

Firstly, everything needed to view a web page needs to be delivered over the network. So, the smaller the asset to be delivered can be, the better. MicroPython, when compressed for delivery to the browser is only around 170k in size - smaller than most images you find on most websites.

Secondly, the browser is perhaps the world's most battle tested sand boxed computing environment. By this I mean that web browsers encounter all sorts of interesting, nefarious, ill-performing, badly written and otherwise shonky code. Such code should be constrained into a virtual sandbox, so it can't do any damage to the user's wider system. Because of the recent development of web assembly (shortened to WASM ~ a sort of virtual microprocessor working in the browser), code written in C can be compiled to run in the browser. MicroPython is written in C and Damien and his collaborators have worked together to create a port for web assembly.

Third and finally, the browser makes available to the developer of websites a JavaScript object called globalThis, through which all the other objects, functions and data structures needed to access the capabilities of the browser are made available. By constraining developers to a single means of interacting with the browser, there is only one way to go about making things happen. MicroPython compiled to WASM has access to the full capabilities of the sandboxed browser thanks to some of Damien's recent work on a foreign function interface (FFI) that interacts with the JavaScript based APIs and capabilities defined by globalThis.

Given this context, what does MicroPython allow you to do?

From within MicroPython running in the browser, one simply imports the js module (short for JavaScript). It's an object in MicroPython that acts as a proxy for globalThis in the browser. It makes interacting with the browser from MicroPython an absolute joy. It's worth pointing out that Damien's work is based upon the js work done as part of the Pyodide project (a version of the CPython interpreter for the browser), so no matter the version of Python you use in the browser, you access the browser's capabilities in exactly the same way.

But recently, there was a problem.

I was due to give a talk about PyScript (a platform for taking MicroPython and Pyodide and making them easy to use in the browser) at EuroPython and I was putting together code examples of ever increasing complexity to present as part of my talk. But I kept hitting strange errors when using MicroPython. My colleague and web-guru Andrea managed to isolate the problem but had been unable to work out why it was happening. Put simply, somewhere in MicroPython's FFI, at that point where JavaScript and MicroPython were interacting, unwanted JavaScript objects were unexpectedly leaking into the MicroPython world thus causing things to crash. Think of it as a JavaScript shaped spanner in the MicroPython works.

This wasn't a good situation to find oneself in, a few days before presenting at one of the Python world's largest and most prestigious conferences.

Damien and I decided to debug the problem, and we recorded ourselves doing so because Andrea wasn't available at the time of our call. We figured that if he could watch our debugging session, he might spot something we hadn't and suggest a fix.

In any case, what followed was a lot of fun, and the video of the debugging session is embedded below.

There are some things you need to know before you watch the video:

  • Both Damien and I know JavaScript to a sufficient level to be "dangerous". We can get stuff done, but we're not guru level like Andrea.
  • Damien is an expert in C (the language used to implement MicroPython) and clearly knows his way around the MicroPython codebase including the FFI that kept crashing. I am familiar enough with C to be able to read it, but not very experienced at writing it, and I certainly don't know anything about the MicroPython internals, including the FFI.
  • We were using a collaboration technique called pair programming: where one developer (Damien) is the "pilot" with the other developer (me) acting as "co-pilot". As you'll see in the video, Damien was sharing his screen so I could see what he was looking at and he'd often describe things, processes or problems to me, only for me to confirm them, explain them back or ask questions as a way to help maintain focus. As the one most ignorant of the language and code-base, I was in a good position to play the beginner to Damien's expert, and ask for clarifications.
  • Our debugging involved taking very careful steps to investigate and change the code so the problem was (happily) eventually revealed, tested and fixed. As the Chinese proverb explains: when crossing a river, it's best to do so slowly and by feeling with one's toes.
  • Both of us were having a lot of fun in different ways. Damien was clearly fascinated by delving into the problem. I was enjoying Damien's virtuosic debugging performance, and found out some fun stuff as we went along.

So grab your popcorn, and enjoy the show: