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A Musical Biography

Both my wife and I play with the Northampton Symphony Orchestra, a very good local amateur group.

Every season they include short (often humorous) biographies of selected members of the orchestra in the programme notes. The selection criteria for this changes each year but is currently families who play in the orchestra.

This is the biography we submitted to be printed in the programme for the next concert:

"Mary and Nicholas first met as students at that well known dating agency for musicians, the Royal College of Music. This was in keeping with Mary's family tradition (she is the third generation of her family to attend the RCM). Since leaving the RCM both Mary and Nicholas have worked as professional musicians although they now make a living doing other things (both teach music and Nicholas went on to read for degrees in Philosophy and then Computing – he now works in IT). Music continues to play a significant role in their lives and playing with the NSO affords them the opportunity to make eyes at each other in rehearsals just like they used to when they were courting."