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Whither AIMLBot 3.0?

The short answer: There isn't going to be an AIMLBot 3.0.

However, for the last few months I have been working hard on a new project that I'm currently calling Botkit (this name will probably change).

Botkit grew out of what was to be AIMLBot 3.0.

Put simply, I've raised the level of abstraction: Botkit is a framework for creating conversational agents in lots of different ways – in much the same way that ASP.NET can be used to create lots of different types of web-application.

To demonstrate this I'll be releasing a "reference" AIML bot (what was AIMLBot 3.0) as well as a few other types of conversational agent to show what Botkit it is capable of.

Its still early days yet but I'm making lots of progress and working hard on my trusty laptop during my daily commute to London.

What I can reveal is that:

  • It is written for the .NET/Mono platform.
  • The core library will be dual licensed under the GNU Affero GPL and a commercial license.
  • A free-to-use but closed source single user Windows/XAML based smart-client will be released so people can play with the core library and build their own agents. (There will be similar application written for Mono.)
  • There already is extensive developer documentation and reference material.
  • A closed-source commercial multi-user server version will be available to allow customers to deploy conversational agents to websites, IRC, IM and mobile devices.

I'll post more details soon.