What we'll cover:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>A simple PyScript example</title>
<script defer src="pyscript.js"></script>
<py-script>print("Hello, world")</py-script>
Create a new custom tag by inheriting from the
HTMLElement class.
class PyScript extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
Called when the element is first encountered in
the DOM.
// Grab the source code.
const code = this.textContent;
// Instantiate a "Python interpreter". ;-)
const re = /"(.*?)"/;
// Evaluate and emit to STDOUT ;-)
const output = code.match(re)[0].slice(1, -1);
this.textContent = output;
// Register the class for the given element name.
customElements.define("py-script", PyScript);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>A simple PyScript example</title>
<script defer src="pyscript.js"></script>
def hello(name="world!"):
Return a friendly greeting to the named entity.
return f"Hello, {name} (from MicroPython)."
class PyScript extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
// grab the source code.
const code = this.textContent;
// Remove the code from the DOM.
this.textContent = "";
// JavaScript oh my..! 🤦
const self = this;
// Handle STDOUT events.
function(e) {
// Just append event data to the textual
// content of this element.
const output = self.textContent + e.data;
self.textContent = output;
// Eval the code.
// Inject MicroPython compiled to WASM into the page, via
// a script tag.
const pyElement = document.createElement("script");
pyElement.src = "micropython.js";
pyElement.onload = function(e) {
// Start up MicroPython
let mp_js_startup = Module['onRuntimeInitialized'];
Module["onRuntimeInitialized"] = async function() {
// Register the class for the given element name,
// only after MicroPython is configured.
customElements.define("py-script", PyScript);
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
Quickfire round
# js is globalThis (the browser window).
from js import document
# ffi is foreign function interface.
from pyodide import ffi
def handler(event):
Handle an event. Append something to the DOM.
output = document.createElement("span")
output.innerHTML = "🖱️"
# Wrap the handler in a JS proxy.
handler_proxy = ffi.create_proxy(handler)
# Find the button, add the event listener.
button = document.querySelector("button#click-me")
button.addEventListener("click", handler_proxy)
👉pyscript.com👈 - IDE 💻
pyscript.net - docs 📖
discord.gg/HxvBtukrg2 - chat 💬
ntoll.org/presentations/ - slides 🖥️
Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
Photo by Valery Sysoev on Unsplash
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash
Photo by Lia Trevarthen on Unsplash