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Test Driven Development Cargo Cult

The London Python Code Dojo is a great place to share ideas and collaborate with an enthusiastic and friendly group of peers. I'm going to tell the story of an interesting outcome from last Thursday's dojo - organised with great aplomb by Python core developer and Windows guru Tim Golden.

We departed from the usual democratic method of choosing a dojo task: Tim decided that as we regularly solved problems concerning board games it would be good to produce a "one true board" code library to re-use in future dojos. To this end Tim created a Github repository containing a single README.rst file containing requirements. We were to fork the repository, create a directory for our team's code and send a pull request after the dojo so posterity could have a good laugh at our solutions.

I found myself in a team with general all-round-nice-guy-and-man-about-the-technological-town Robert Rees. He's a hugely experienced, well read and thoughtful senior developer / architect at The Guardian. He's also always ready to step up to share his successes, failures and discoveries with others (he opened the evening with an excellent lightning talk on functional programming with Python). Once again, he proved to have an excellent eye for a learning opportunity...

During the team discussion Robert suggested we work using strict test driven development (TDD): focus on a specific thing that needed implementing, write a test for just that thing, make it pass then rinse and repeat until all requirements are met with no failing tests. We took it in turns to write code. At the end of each turn the "programmer" wrote a failing test for the next person in the group to solve, and so the cycle continued. Given that we had very clear requirements in the form of Tim's README file this was an excellent suggestion on Robert's part.

Thanks to Robert, what happened next was both funny and educational...

I set up the basic scaffolding for the project and Robert quickly created a "Board" class containing some stubbed out yet obvious methods and an associated test stub. Team-mate and Pygame core developer Rene Dudfield read out the next requirement,

"You should be able to put something at a coordinate on the board."

A suitable test was written and the next team member (another Nick) sat in the hot seat. Rather than implement a complex or complete solution to the requirement he was encouraged, in true TDD fashion, to do the minimum to make the test pass. So, he hard coded the return value expected by the test, in this case the string "Foo".

It was at this point that I made the mistake of opening my big mouth (again). I said something along the lines of, "the problem with unit tests are that they're behaviourist in outlook: they don't ensure that the internal quality of the solution is any good - simply that the solution passes some tests" i.e. it displays such-and-such a behaviour.

I was referring to the behaviourist movement founded by J.B.Watson where things can only be defined in terms of observable behaviours - there is no room for introspection. When taken to an extreme, behaviourist philosophy claims that a person has no consciousness but is simply a thing that behaves. Of course, there are problems with this outlook. The obvious question of what is meant by "behaviour" is far more difficult to answer than it at first appears. More problematic, behaviourism seems counter to personal "internal" experience: pain, love, sadness and joy are common feelings yet may not be manifested in externally observable behaviour. Furthermore, behaviours associated with such feelings can be easily and convincingly aped (for example, by actors or con artists) which may even be a requirement for more complex interactions such as irony (where you act one way but mean something else - often the opposite to how you act).

Given that we were enjoying the silly exercise of making tests pass with the minimum of effort Robert stepped up with a new challenge: he would write a test to force the development of something sensible. This would show that test driven development inevitably leads to a good solution by forcing us to make the failing test pass.

We found Robert had written the following:

def test_pieces_are_placed_and_restored(self):
    width = 4000
    height = 4000
    board = Board(width, height)
    pieces = [(random.randint(0, width), random.randint(0, height),
              {"i": random.randint(0, 5000)}) for x in
              range(0, random.randint(0, 57000))]
    for piece in pieces:[0], piece[1], piece[2])
        self.assertEquals(board.get(piece[0], piece[1])["i"], piece[2])
    self.assertEquals(len(board.contents()), len(pieces))

His test creates a huge board, places random pieces at random locations on the board, checks that expected pieces are found in the correct location on the board and finally ensures the board's "contents" contain the same number of pieces that the test randomly created.

Surely we had to write a quality solution to make such a test pass?

I'm ashamed to say that we met Robert's challenge by intentionally creating a monster (including suggestions from Robert himself). At the top of our board module we wrote this:

import random
random.seed('robert rees was here')

Then we updated the Board class's get method to:

def get(self, x, y):
    if self.max_x == 4000:
       # Take that @rrees
       if not hasattr(self, 'rrees'):
           random.seed('robert rees was here')
           width = self.max_x
           height = self.max_y
           self.rrees = [(random.randint(0, width), random.randint(0, height),
                         {"i": random.randint(0, 5000)}) for x in
                         range(0, random.randint(0, 57000))]
           self.counter = 0
       result = self.rrees[self.counter]
       self.counter += 1
       return {'i': result[2]}
       return "Foo"

Our solution re-set the random number generator's seed to "robert rees was here" so the resulting sequence of "random" numbers was deterministic (i.e. they would always be the same set of random-ish numbers - one of the reasons why it's more correct to call these sorts of things a pseudo-random number generator). Then we copied the code from Robert's unit test to return the result that the test expected. The outer if statement ensured that we return the correct result depending on different tests that set the board to different sizes - Robert's test set the dimensions to 4000x4000 whereas another, as was mentioned before, expected the result "Foo".

This is, of course, an abomination.

However, it allowed us to play our parts in the ruse that started our "show-and-tell" presentation. We explained we had carefully linked tests to requirements in Tim's README file and talked through the programming cycle I explained earlier to ensure everyone had a go at writing code. We even audited the unit tests in front of the assembled dojo and ran the test suite so people could see that everything was working in accordance with the tests. It was only until we revealed the code for the actual Board class that the joke was discovered.

And so we get to the point of this blog post: test driven development is promoted as the one true way to great code. Our activity in the dojo shows that this is not the case. Although we were nefarious in our intent a similar result (abominable code) could easily be produced through inexperience, laziness or lack of care and attention while still doing TDD.

The "test-driven" dogma is dangerous: it claims to improve the quality of code so long as you follow its modus operandi. At best this fosters a false sense of security, at worse it's simply a cargo cult.

I think having well tested code is a useful and often essential element of great software. I'm not saying "you shouldn't test code!" (you most definitely should). Rather, I'm concerned that TDD apologists do more harm than good by promoting a cargo cult. Testing software is a good thing and sometimes writing tests before implementing a feature is the right thing to do. But this is simply evidence of the most important element that leads to great code - an element that, unfortunately, is not mentioned by TDD - the wisdom of the programmer.

What do I mean?

I mean the state where knowledge, experience and trust coincide with the understanding and confidence to do the "right thing" rather than follow a list of precepts.

PyconUK 2012

PyconUK snakes

It was PyconUK 2012 over the final weekend of September.

PyconUK is a community organised conference focussed on the Python programming language for UK based developers and other interested parties. This year I was both an attendee and organiser and this post is a review of my personal highlights.

Actually, I'd like to start by explaining the work that's required to organise a conference such as PyconUK. First, PyconUK has a great reputation: it is great value for money (£100 a ticket if you booked as an early bird), packed full of excellent talks and has a very friendly atmosphere. This is due to the "tone" set by the originators of the conference back when it first started five or six years ago. Happily many of the original team are still involved and it has been an education watching what and how they organise things.

Since this is a community organised conference all organisers are volunteers. Most of our interaction was via weekly IRC meetings, although sometimes we'd find a pub in a vaguely central location (we're all based in the Midlands) and conduct business over a friendly pint. In either case, meetings were business like, tended to be waffle free and always ended in clearly defined and delegated tasks. There's no room for fanny-annying around when organising PyconUK!

I was principally involved in three tasks:

  1. The diversity and code of conduct statement
  2. The conference song (!)
  3. The education track (see below).

It is a sad fact that having a diversity statement and/or code of conduct for a free software conference is becoming the norm. One would hope that attendees at free software conferences (whose communities value openness, merit and collaboration) would understand that sexism, racism and all other forms of prejudicial behaviours are completely unacceptable. Unfortunately, recent and very public cases at other free software related conferences have shown that some people are clueless idiots. It is through their moronic actions that our communities are brought into disrepute (happily, to my knowledge, PyconUK has never had to deal with such misdemeanours). We acknowledged the need for such a statement: it would clearly state the expectations of the wider Python community within the UK and give us, the organisers, a set of options for dealing with potential idiots. However, we strongly felt that we didn't want to follow the example of some other conferences with a list of condescending rules that curtailed freedom of expression in all its glorious manifestations. These are complex issues that a mere set of rules would simply aggravate. I contacted a couple of other "Pycons" (our Italian friends at Europython and antipodean cousins at PyconAu) for advice and drafted something that attempted to walk the fine line between expectation and curtailment. After feedback from both the other PyconUK organisers and the wider Python community in the UK, it was adopted. In case you're interested, it's released under a creative commons license and is available here. Feedback is always most welcome.

I never imagined I'd be writing, arranging and recording a conference song, but, thanks to fellow organiser, design guru and "bloke in charge of publicity" Steve Hawkes, it was decided that one was needed. Given that I have a musical background I was drafted in to help. Steve's idea was to do a version of the elements song but for all the Python language's keywords. This is a classic "patter" song and is itself based upon the famous Major General's Song from Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera The Pirates of Penzance. It also fitted quite nicely with the "Victorian" snakes vibe that Steve was using in his designs - Gilbert and Sullivan are very much a Victorian phenomenon. A couple of Skype calls and various emails later we had the words sorted out. We attempted to engage the services of a "proper singer" but in the end it fell to me to sing the damn thing (and many thanks to my mate, Darren Goldsmith, who acted as sound engineer and producer). You can find the results at this GitHub repository. Please feel free to suggest new lines and verses via pull requests! At some point in the not-too-distant future we hope to record a group of Pythonistas singing the chorus (watch out London Python Code Dojo). We were hoping to do this at the conference itself but lack of time and the fact that I lost my voice meant we were unable to fulfil this desire.

In any case, Steve caught the G&S vibe and produced some quite brilliant t-shirts and personalised mugs quoting lines from the song (see the example on the right). I really can't wait to see what he comes up with for next year's conference. I suspect finding a strong UK based theme is an essential element. We did "The Blitz" last year, Victorians this year and I'm starting to worry we're turning into something akin to a Blackadder version of British history given the choices we've been making. ;-)

How about a bonnets and blouses Jane Austen theme or perhaps something Elizabethan? Maybe we could go more modern and adopt the swinging sixties as a touchstone (Austin Powers..?) or Punk?

It remains to be seen what Steve's thoughts on the matter are...

Given the interest in RaspberryPi (apparently so called because it runs a programming language called "Python" - just fancy that?) and the teaching of programming in schools (see my blog posts here and here) it was suggested that "education" would be a good theme. As I used to be a teacher I stepped up to bring my colleagues past and present together in an "education" track.

We, the Python community, have been presented with an opportunity: the resurgence of interest in the teaching of programming to children has caused a lot of people to look to Python. Many teachers of ICT (that'd be Information and Communication Technology) don't have any programming experience and the thought of teaching such a weird, abstract and potentially complex activity to a room of thirty kids of mixed ability is likely to fill them with horror. The question of what should be taught is also moot (hence the interest in Python). I personally think the promotion and practice of "computational thinking" facilitated via a language such as Python (but done in as language neutral way as possible) is the way to go. Obviously (and I'm being very cynical here), incumbent interests in educational ICT and companies within the IT industry will be interested in promoting their platform as the mechanism to "teach the kids to code" (whatever that may mean).

At PyconUK we simply wanted to find out how best to meet the needs of teachers and show them what it's like to be a part of a free software community with all that entails: collaboration, debate, openness, meritocracy, sharing of resources and learning from the examples of others.

So our aim was simple: if you bring two diverse groups of intelligent and motivated people together interesting things are bound to happen. It turns out we were correct! I'm especially grateful to Alan O'Donohoe for helping me get the word out (most of the teachers I know are music, rather than ICT, teachers) and Alan has quite a cult status among those "in the know" about all things ICT. This culminated in a Google hangout where I was given the opportunity to promote our event to anyone who happened to drop by:

It turns out that quite a number of teachers were interested but getting them to come along was quite hard - the current squeeze on school budgets and indifference of management being the two primary causes. Nevertheless, we almost had a whole cohort of 30 trainee ICT teachers turn up but, alas, funding nipped that in the bud.

In the end we had about ten teachers in total turn up over the weekend and an abundance of developers who wanted to dive in and help. On the Saturday morning was an "Introducing Python" workshop that John Pinner and I ran and there were also a handful of talks on several education related projects over the duration of the conference (for example, Mike Sandford's talk about the turtle module).

Sunday morning was perhaps the highlight of the weekend for me as both teachers and developers rolled up their collective sleeves and took part in an "education sprint" (a sprint, in the context of a free software conference, is an intense period of work and collaboration on a specific and clearly defined project). Here's a group shot of the participants:

PyconUK 2012 Teachers

We were very lucky to have Carrie Anne Philbin (well known for her infectious enthusiasm and excellent blog, ICT with Miss P) who stepped up to run a post-it note led session for discovering attendee's interests. It was a case of worlds colliding. I don't think any of the developers were aware of the conditions that teachers have to deal with: troll like network administrators with no interest in helping to promote learning, locked down laptops that are unusable unless you want to use Word, out-of-date versions of software that put teachers in the technological stone-age (Internet Explorer 6!) and all this in addition to the burden of teaching, marking, planning, social work, behaviour management, OFSTED inspections and extra-curricular clubs, groups and activities that form the day to day activities of a teacher.

Once the developers had picked their collective jaws up from the floor, we agreed to split in to mixed groups of teachers and developers with a view to quickly drafting outlines of schemes of work, lesson plans and other educational resources (I spent an enjoyable hour creating a draft for a scheme of work about text based adventure games). At the end we came together for a show-and-tell feedback session. The results of the morning can be found in this github repository.

A welcome addition to our ranks was PSF chairperson Van Lindberg who made significant contributions to the discussion about adventure games as a vehicle for learning. Great stuff! In addition, during the Saturday evening PSF member's meeting Carrie Anne somehow smuggled herself in resulting in much of the ensuing conversation to be centred around how the PSF could help teachers use Python (nice one Miss P!). Happily, it looks like an education portal will become part of the scope for the redesign of the website and hopefully Carrie-Anne, Alan and teaching colleagues around the world will have a chance to shape its development.

Actually, there is an education summit at Pycon in California in March and it would be wonderful if both Carrie-Anne and Alan could be the recipients of grants so they can attend. One thing that frustrates me about the world of education is the lack of global coordination: teachers all over the world duplicate, rather than share, each other's efforts. No matter the local education system, surely an international community such as Python can bring teachers together to promote the creative fun that is programming? If we don't, there's a danger that there won't be a Pycon left in twenty five year's time. After all, when you have teachers as enthusiastic as Carrie Anne (see her video response to PyconUK below) and Alan we'd be fools not to support them in their efforts to help the next generation of hackers discover their programming chops.

If you are a teacher or developer interested in collaborating on Python as a vehicle for learning then you should join Carrie Anne's Python EDU mailing list or get in touch with the Python in Education Special Interest Group.

Finally, there was the rest of the conference: the lightning talks (video here) were as funny as ever with Dan Pope's talk on his gaming creations bringing the house down (at around the 31 minute mark). I had a lot of fun parping on my Tuba with Ben Croston (who has the excellent job of brewing beer in a brewery that's automated by Python). You can hear us at around the 1h:17m mark. It was great to catch up with so many old friends in the pub or at the impromptu curry outing (I'm sure I overheard, "can we have a table for 22 please?") and, of course, there were the talks. I think my favourite slide of the conference is this one from Antonio Cuni who seems to be channelling Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this graph explaining the phases of a tracing JIT compiler:

PyconUK PyPy talk

I'm already looking forward to next year (just you wait to see what we have planned).


A Deadly Equation of Acronyms - NHS+IT=FUBAR

I've recently had the pleasure of taking part in two hacker events organised within the context of healthcare and, specifically, the UK's National Health Service (note for Americans who missed the opening of the Olympics: it's the state sponsored monopoly of "death panels" we use to decide which of our senior citizens are to be terminated). To be clear (and more seriously), I am using the term "hacker" in the way it is used within Information Technology circles: a hacker is a person with a passion for exploring and solving problems through writing and sharing software.

Over last weekend I was in Liverpool to attend the second NHS Hackday - a gathering of doctors, designers and developers. Here's my buddy and the originator of the event, Carl, providing more details about the aims and objectives of NHS Hackday:

After this, on the Monday and Tuesday, I was invited to take part in a hackathon organised by the UK's Department of Health. Officials and big-wigs from the DoH provided a diverse group of ten developers and designers with a problem: to build an "innovation platform" in 48 hours. Said big-wigs were on hand to answer questions, provide guidance and give feedback throughout Monday. On Tuesday afternoon we presented our work to a couple of them.

Both events were positive, energetic and fun. Unfortunately, they also led me to the conclusion that Information Technology (IT) provision within the National Health Service (NHS) is Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition (FUBAR). While I concede this assertion is intentionally couched in a provocative way, I doubt the sentiment will come as a surprise to those working within the NHS.

Taking each event in turn, I'd like to explain why I've reached this conclusion since it's important to back up such negative assertions with concrete evidence (unfortunately, these two events provide plenty of material).

NHS Hackday - The ePortfolio Data Liberation Front

The modus operandi of the weekend was simple: anyone could pitch an idea as a lightning talk on the Saturday morning (lightning talks are strictly time bound - in this case, two minutes), people came together to investigate and work on the most interesting things presented and, on the Sunday afternoon, presented the fruits of their labours to a panel of experts and big-wigs from the worlds of health and technology. If they were lucky, they got a prize.

Somehow, I got involved in a group called the ePortfolio Data Liberation Front...

Every junior doctor working as a physician within the UK's hospitals has to demonstrate that they're at least competent given their level of training. As a result the Royal Colleges require trainees to undergo observation and assessment.

This is essential for ensuring patient safety (I, for one, wouldn't want to be treated by a doctor who couldn't show the required competencies in order to practice). It is also an important pillar of a hospital doctor's continuing professional development: a mechanism for feedback, advice and noting areas for improvement.

The results of this process, the evidence the doctor needs in order to progress to the next level of training, are currently stored in one mandatory location: the nhs-eportfolio. Trainees are obliged to pay £18 a year to use this service, usually as part of their annual membership fee for whichever of the Royal Colleges they happen to belong to. The ePortfolio's about Page states that they have over 35,000 trainees registered. So at a conservative guess (35000 times 18) their annual income is at least £630,000.

One would hope that such an important and widely used service would be great value for money and the beneficiary of continued investment, improvement and updates.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

It appears that ePortfolio is loathed by its users to the extent that there are even blogs about how awful it is. Users complain that it's unintuitive, disorganised, ugly to look at and, at times of peak usage, slow. Results from a quick straw poll of doctors and consultants at the hack day were unanimously negative (and sometimes venomous).

I happened to meet the author of the afore mention blog, LJ and another doctor, Marcus Baw, on the first morning of the hack day. We discussed the various problems with the current offering and quickly came to the conclusion that helping trainee's to get to their data was a fundamental issue. Unfortunately, there appears to be a conflict between what is in the ePortfolio's best interest and the interests of their users.

If a trainee can easily download their data (after all, who else's data is it?) in a widely used and open format then there's nothing to stop them from taking their data to a different service. This is obviously bad news for ePortfolio who are sitting pretty as a mandatory monopoly. They are not exposed to the pressure of dealing with a cheaper, better, faster competitor.

We asked ourselves, how hard would it be to extract data from the ePortfolio and dump it in an industry standard structured data format like, for example, JSON? The answer is that it's both easy and hard.

Given a doctor's credentials it's very easy to fool ePortfolio into letting you in so you're in a position to automate the "scraping" (a colloquial term to mean downloading, parsing and cleaning) of data. Here's how I did it using Python (it would have been a lot shorter had their log-in form not been such a mess):

import requests
import lxml.html
import getpass

LOGIN = ''

def getCredentials():
    Asks for user's credentials and returns a (username, password) tuple.
    username = raw_input("Username: ").strip()
    password = getpass.getpass("Password: ").strip()
    return (username, password)

def signIn(username, password):
    Given the username and password of a user will return a correctly
    configured requests.session object to use for subsequent requests.

    This is a slight faff because they include a token in the form to avoid
    naive automated POSTing attacks so we have to HTTP GET the form, extract
    the token and POST back for the session cookies. I'm being lazy and
    returning *everything* they expect in the request (but I guess they're
    just checking the token).
    # Grab the login page to get the form values we need.
    raw = requests.get(LOGIN)
    session_left_slice = raw.headers['set-cookie'].find('=') + 1
    session_right_slice = raw.headers['set-cookie'].find(';')
    session_id = raw.headers['set-cookie'][session_left_slice:session_right_slice]
    html = lxml.html.fromstring(raw.text)
    db_viewstate = html.cssselect("input#__DATABASE_VIEWSTATE")[0].value
    ev_validation = html.cssselect("input#__EVENTVALIDATION")[0].value
    # Create the form payload, many of these fields are empty, but using them
    # so we look *exactly* like a browser.
    username_key = 'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMain$ucUserLoginBox$ePortfolioLogin$UserName'
    password_key = 'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMain$ucUserLoginBox$ePortfolioLogin$Password'
    login_button = 'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMain$ucUserLoginBox$ePortfolioLogin$LoginButton'
    form_payload = {
        'ctl00_ScriptManager1_HiddenField': '',
        '__LASTFOCUS': '',
        '__EVENTTARGET': '',
        '__EVENTARGUMENT': '',
        '__DATABASE_VIEWSTATE': db_viewstate,
        '__VIEWSTATE': '',
        '__SCROLLPOSITIONX': '',
        '__SCROLLPOSITIONY': '',
        '__EVENTVALIDATION': ev_validation,
        username_key: username,
        password_key: password,
        login_button: 'Please wait...',
        'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderMain$ucCodeLoginBox$txtLoginCode': ''
    session = requests.session()['login'], data = form_payload)
    return session

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print "Enter user credentials"
    username, password = getCredentials()
    print "Validating user credentials"
    session = signIn(username, password)

So far, so good. Given the session object created above, it's simple to download the HTML as if you were a logged in user:

# Get the user's home page.
home = session.get('')

Unfortunately, the HTML that ePortfolio returns is terrible.

It is inconsistent, un-idiomatic (I saw at least one nested table), contains little or no semantic stylesheet or id attributes and is a veritable tag soup of awfulness. As a result, extracting the important data from the raw HTML was a tale of woe. It was the cause of most of my frustrations over the weekend. I'd have had more fun sticking forks in my eyes.

My immediate reaction was a feeling of fremdschämen. Surely the developers at ePortfolio were aware that from both a non-technical "external" point of view and a technical "internal" view (of their HTML) the site sucked harder than a black hole? How could who-ever is in charge of ePortfolio allow this to happen?

Then I remembered that the reason ePortfolio is allowed to continue in this state is that they have no external pressure for them to change. Whoever decided to make the system a mandatory monopoly was, not to put too finer point on it, hugely misinformed, unconcerned with trainee doctor's requirements and foolish.

Happily, working with such a smart, motivated and jolly couple of doctors was the highlight of the weekend because they are a beacon of hope. LJ and Marcus understand technology and care passionately that it becomes a force for good: improving healthcare in the UK rather than continuing to be the root of so much frustration. Obviously, people like them should be in charge of making IT precurement decisions.

I'm also pleased that we were awarded second place by the judges. A better prize would be to open-source the ePortfolio and give trainee doctors free access to their own data.

For LJ's perspective on the weekend check out her blog post and the resulting exchange of comments with one of ePortfolio's developers.

Sonar - Surfacing Innovation from within the NHS

Arriving home, hot foot from Liverpool, I was immediately travelling down to London for, well, I wasn't sure what...

Ten developers and designers gathered at the Design Council in London under the auspices of the Department of Health. We also met managers from the health care sector. The managers had decided that the NHS needed an "innovation platform to surface best practice" (or something like that). Once we'd parsed the buzzword bingo it became clear that they wanted something akin to Hacker News (the premier website where hackers and tech start-ups share innovation) or Reddit (a news website containing content submitted by its members). In both instances, attention is given to those stories that the site's members vote as most interesting.

Given the amount of "surfacing" jargon going on in the room we (the hackers) decided to create NHSonar, a site for surfacing innovation within the NHS.

It was a lot of fun and we managed to build something close to the manager's original vision (you should be able to submit innovations upon which other users could vote and comment with the most popular innovations on the front page). All this was done within two working days.

So we come to the crux of this blog post: expensive, badly written software that's foisted on healthcare professionals via a top-down style of management results in the terrible state we're in right now. Happily, despite having their collective legs pulled about the over use of business buzzwords, enlightened healthcare managers understand that "surfacing innovation" is an essential part of stopping the rot.

If a handful of hacker-types working in an agile manner with open-source tools can create an innovation site in 48 hours, can you imagine what might be achieved if the government, senior healthcare professionals and managers engaged with the free software community?

One positive outcome would be managers that don't speak "buzzword" - they'd be fluent in "techno-babble" instead. Perhaps, on second thoughts...



Python is an easy-to-learn modern programming language with a simple yet elegant implementation of object orientation. This post explains one dark corner of Python's implementation of object orientation: metaclasses (but does so as if explaining the rules of cricket).

Objects represent things. Type, type(my_object) to find out what type of thing your object is. The type of thing an object represents is defined by its "type". Classes define types of things to be instantiated as objects. To be absolutely clear, objects represent types of things defined by classes.

Now, listen carefully!

In Python, classes are also objects. This raises an important question: what type of thing is a class?

The answer is that a class is a type of thing that can instantiate objects. This type of thing (a class's class) is a class's metaclass which, incidently, in Python defaults to a special class called type ~ whose type is, circularly, type (i.e. itself).

You can change the metaclass of a class by setting it's __metaclass__ attribute to a class that inherits from the type class. With this sleight-of-hand you can control how classes instantiate objects.

How? I'm so pleased you asked!

Override the new metaclass's __new__ method. Remember, this __new__ method must return the return of a call to the type class's __new__ method so your new class correctly instantiates a new object of the correct type.

Got it? Good!


Europython 2012

Europython was a month ago (early July) and I've been meaning to pull together a write-up since. So here goes...

First of all, Python Italia are some seriously well organised folks. I can't think of another programming conference that was so smoothly executed. Add to that the food (yes, the FOOD!) and location (Florence is a city everyone should take the time to visit) and you have something akin to programmer utopia. I especially enjoyed several UK Pythonistas and London Dojo attendees giving talks: Mike Sandford's talk on the logging module was especially useful and Peter Inglesby's "Discovering Descriptors" was a fascinating dive into attribute access (for non-geeks: yeah, I know... sounds really interesting right..?).

I gave a talk that combined my love of programming and music:

It seemed to go quite well and the attendees (standing room only) seemed to enjoy it. I was secretly pleased to have rickrolled them all (in Latin!) without any of them noticing (watch the video and see if you can spot the offending slide). I was also delighted that many of the attendees couldn't tell the difference between my computer generated music and that composed by Mozart or Fux. In any case, all the code and the HTML/CSS for the slides can be found on github.

Finally, the best part of Europython was being able to attend with Mary (but without our three children who were staying with grandparents). Not only did we have a lot of of fun discovering Florence together but we were out every evening enjoying the tastes, sights and sounds of that great city with friends old and new. It was also fun for me because it gave Mary a window into my (often quite abstract and inaccessible) world and see me give my talk. Given that Europython 2013 will be in Florence again I suspect we'll both be back next year.

What's next? Well, PyconUK is just around the corner and there's another NHSHackday soon! If you're going, say hi!